One type of review that is identified and defined in the methods and practices is the periodic review, as explained in the methods 方法和实践中确定并定义的一种类型的评审是定期评审,如方法中所说明的
As you can see from the titles, the overall process flow for phase and milestone reviews is very similar to that of the periodic review described above. 如您在题目中所见到的,阶段和里程碑评审的整个过程与上面描述的阶段评审类似。
Primarily, this role requires periodic review of the materials in the repository to ensure that the established management policy is being followed. 从根本上讲,该角色需要定期检查存储库中的资料,以确保既定的管理策略得到遵守。
New Initiatives Set-Up ( tailoring the standard periodic review to an initiative) 新计划的建立(对计划的标准定期评审进行裁减)
A project review, including milestone reviews, is a periodic review held at the end of an iteration or at other management milestones. 项目审查,包括里程碑审查,是在迭代模式或在其他管理里程碑处进行的定期审查。
These arrangements are subject to periodic review. 这些安排须定期检查。
I enjoy convalescence; it is the part that makes the illness worth while. This is in contrast with an overdraft which is subject to periodic review and is in principle recallable at any time. 我很欣赏复原期,那是使人觉得生病还是合算的一段时间。这同透支不向,透支要接受定期检查,且在原则上可随时要求还款。
To manage the operation of the various quality assurance processes such as programme approval, annual programme monitoring and periodic review; 并负责各种质量保证体系进程(如:教学大纲的认可、年度教学大纲监控及周期性的评审)的运作管理;
Past service costs a periodic review of expenditure 期前退休金费用支出
To promote within these organizations the development and periodic review of standards, guidelines and recommendations with respect to all aspects of sanitary and phytosanitary measures. 以促进在这些组织中制定和定期审议有关卫生与植物卫生措施所有方面的标准、指南和建议。
Montevideo Programme for Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law 蒙得维的亚环境法发展和定期审查方案
In diabetic after diagnosis, the primary treatment is to control blood sugar, blood glucose and periodic review of glycosylated hemoglobin. 在糖尿病确诊后,首要治疗是控制血糖,定期复查血糖和糖化血红蛋白。
A periodic review of the initial history and physical exam record is useful to remind the team members as well as to orient new team members concerning the patient's current problems. 定期回顾原始病史和体检记录能帮助医疗小组成员以及新成员记住病人目前的问题。
( ii) The trade policies and practices of all Members shall be subject to periodic review. (ⅱ)所有成员的贸易政策和做法均应接受定期审议。
In accordance with our commitment to provision of a safe working environment, each work location is subject to periodic review of the safety of its buildings and the office and working equipment provided. 按照我们提供安全工作环境的承诺,每个工作地点定期审核其建筑和办公区以及所提供的工作设备的安全。
Recommend quantitative target inventory levels for the six European options, assuming a weekly periodic review replenishment. 假设定期一周铺货盘点一次,请为所选的这六个欧洲国家,提供目标量化水准之建议。
This is in contrast with an overdraft which is subject to periodic review and is in principle recallable at any time. A. Instruct client to look straight ahead toward you, keeping head motionless throughout examination. 这同透支不向,透支要接受定期检查,且在原则上可随时要求还款。嘱病人直视检查者,检查期间头部保持不动。
The management of the organization should undertake periodic review of process performance to ensure the process is consistent with the operating plan. 组织的管理者应当对过程业绩进行定期评审,以确保过程与运行计划相一致。
Hold periodic change review meetings with system administration, application development, network operations, and facilities groups as well as general users. 召开定期的变更审查和系统管理员,应用开发,网络运维及其他功能组,同时也包括普通用户。
According to multi-channels distribution problem and based on periodic review of inventory, an optimizing model of inventory system cost for multi-channels distribution is given, which contains both the situation of holding inventory and the situation without inventory when the demand of retailers are stochastic and correlated. 针对多渠道分销问题,在周期检查库存策略的前提下,分别建立分销中心持有库存和分销中心不持有库存两种情况下,零售商具有随机需求及相关需求的多级库存系统成本优化模型。
The periodic review of index tradition study in China 我国索引传统研究一个周期的回顾
In this paper we discuss the optimal problem on a discrete-time, single item, periodic review inventory system with yield and demand uncertainty, the main objective is to analyze how the uncertainty of yield rate and demand affect the optimal policy and cost in the system. 研究离散时间、单类产品、周期盘点的具有不确定性产出和不确定性需求库存系统的优化与设计问题,主要目的在于分析产出和需求的可变性对系统最优策略和最优费用的影响。
We consider a periodic review inventory system with two priority demand classes, one deterministic and other stochastic. 考虑带两个需求类的周期检查库存系统:确定的高优先级需求是一个常量,未满足部分按缺货量实行赔偿;
This paper is concerned with a periodic review inventory system with fast and slow delivery modes and regular demand forecast updates. 本文研究在预报更新环境下具有快、慢两种配送方式和需求预报更新的库存系统。
This paper discusses modeling and simulation of order-up-to levels of entities in CLs in an uncertain environment where periodic review policies are adopted. 讨论了在不确定性环境下,采取周期性盘点策略的复杂物流系统中各实体订货点量的建模与仿真问题。
The periodic review inventory model based on two supply modes 基于两种订购方式上的定期补给库存模型
Periodic Safety Review of Human Factor and Organizational Administration in the Nuclear Power Plant 核电厂人因及组织行政管理安全审查体系
Firstly, we discuss the inventory and pricing and capacity strategies of a single item with periodic review. By using of Markov Decision Process, the finite horizon inventory, pricing and capacity expansion problem is discussed, and the optimal strategy of which is obtained. 分析了折扣准则下单产品的多阶段存贮、定价及容量扩张问题。建立了马氏决策过程模型,首先对有限阶段问题进行了研究,得到了其最优策略。
Periodic review after X-ray, fracture healing, and check the forearm functional recovery. 术后定期复查X线片,观察骨折愈合情况,并检查前臂功能恢复情况。
At last, based on ABC analysis in the inventory, we assume that stores perform periodic review and order strategies. We also assume that customer demand at each store is random and follow certain distribution. 最后在库存实行ABC管理的基础上,零售商采取周期订货策略,在每个零售商处的客户需求是随机的且服从一定的概率分布。